A revolutionary load-carrying solution for short journeys

The SLANT e-Carriage

The e-Carriage is power-assisted. When the user pulls the drawbar whilst walking or cycling, the e-Carriage matches their force, giving a 'weightless' feel to the user. 


The e-Carriage can carry 120kg of load, and has an approximate battery life of 40 - 50km.

The e-Carriage can be used with two modes of transport



"Wow! I can walk with it"

" bike to an e-cargo bike"

Did you know?

Of all trips, 25% are < 1 mile and 71% < 5 miles. Shopping is the most common reason at 18%, and 73% of food shopping is done by car. 92% of households do a food shop at least once a week, and 91% of grocery shopping is done in-store at a supermarket.

Congestion costs the UK taxpayer £20 billion per year, and pollution prematurely kills 30,000 Britons a year. 

If you want to use this solution to reduce your car dependency, fill out the form below!

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Contact us

Telephone: +44 7756149532


LinkedIn: SLANT Sustainable Technologies

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If you want to stay updated on our product development and/or take part in our product testing that will take place in Bristol, fill out the form below! 

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